Christian Greene

Christian Greene is a clinical social worker, licensed in 5 states, practicing in DC Child Welfare since 2005. Christian has touched thousands of investigations and case managed or supervised hundreds of foster children, being noted as an expert in her field. In fact, on behalf of the District and qualified by OAG, she provided expert testimony in DC Superior Court. Recently, 2/2/2021, she accomplished her goal to make systemic change to ensure the safety of children, the well-being of the social work workforce, and government transparency/ accountability while adhering to a code of ethics to safeguard our vulnerable constituents and the general public. Christian's whistleblowing, which began during her Ombuds tenure (2015-2017), focused her energy on advocacy, education, public testimony, and confidentially mobilizing community members, advocates, and organizations to persuade DC Council to act. Her lawyer identified her as the but for in this nexus of legislation. She used her voice to represent the forgotten. This resulted in the introduction and ultimate passage by the DC  Council on 2/2/2021, despite a Mayoral veto, of  B23-0437 - "Office of the Ombudsperson for Children Establishment Amendment Act of 2020", which was founded on USOA Model Legislation. Persuasive oral and written testimony over the years was compiled into a May 22, 2020, written composition submitted to the DC Council and a public review entitled, "At What Cost?". It provides a history of how the Office of Ombudsperson legislation came into being and why it is needed to ensure children are safeguarded, their rights are respected, and their lives are protected, all by providing oversight and accountability Agency whose duty it is to protect them. Recently she found out that DC Mayor's budget did not fund the office, thus testified again along with community members and advocates about funding being vital to making this legislation a breathing document. On July 1, 2021, she found out that DC City Council's first vote included fully funding the office for the fiscal year 2022. This action will forever change how DC City Council oversees the executive branch in favor of those most vulnerable.