Whistle-words Campaign Project: Let’s change the definition! What Are Your Six Words?
Legend has it that Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”
We want to use this approach to change the negative definition of Whistleblower into a positive synonym.
We've written to Microsoft and Merriam-Webster dictionary. Basically, they won't change the synonyms unless we can change the common word use. The negative synonyms that they give are: rat, snitch, tattletale, mole, spy, leaker. These need to become words like truthtellers, lamplighter, ethicist, relator, disclosure, etc...
Therefore, WoA wants to run a campaign to offer new words and change the common usage.
We invite you to film your six words or less. We want to make a 1-minute video. We would need you to:
Say your name, optional
Type of Whistleblower – i.e.. Government whistleblower, Defense contractor, banking whistleblower...
Where are you from? i.e Washington, DC
My Whistleblower word is........